[TfTi] Timeless Advice for Authors: Ancient Wisdom Inspired by Seth Godin
We’ll focus on six of his 19 points, with a bit more explanation to show why we still advocate them with our clients today.
We’ll focus on six of his 19 points, with a bit more explanation to show why we still advocate them with our clients today.
Book reviews, much like everything else in today’s techno-world have changed.
Marginalia: on Matthew Crawford’s book, Why We Drive: Toward a Philosophy of the Open Road. It might not be apparent from the title, but the two themes that keep jumping out at me are the dangers in our headlong rush toward applying AI to everything and the problem of perfectionism.
Writing the book is really just the beginning. If you ask any author what the hardest part of their book project was, most of them […]
According to a recent report on CNN, at least some of the growth in reading books comes from Gen Z and Millennials. The story covers a widespread growth in the number of book clubs.
In a recent novel I was reading, a conversation between the two main characters stuck in my mind. The antagonist was a horror writer. À […]
In this edition of Tips from Tom’s inbox, I’m going to have to work at avoiding a rant. My goal is to help you understand and put to use some truths about book publishing and marketing as an indie author.
People are dying to understand Indie Publishing. Well, maybe not dying. I hope no one has died. What I mean to say is that people […]
In this edition of Marginalia we’ll dive into my sidenote scribblings in Chip Conley’s new book, Learning to Love Midlife: 12 Reasons Why Life Gets BETTER with AGE
First of all, let me warn you that I’m going to be a bit harsh. I’m doing it in your best interest. Stop saying, “I […]
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