[TfTi] 2024 Literary Holidays: An Indie Publisher’s Book Marketing Goldmine
Here’s your 2024 literary holiday and events calendar to add fun and inspiration to your book marketing efforts.
Here’s your 2024 literary holiday and events calendar to add fun and inspiration to your book marketing efforts.
Understanding the New York Times and other best seller lists and what’s in it for authors who achieve best seller status
Yes writing a book is a big task. It requires attention. It requires planning. It requires teamwork.
Let’s talk about all of that today. I’ll give you a little beginner’s lesson in how to get started on that book because I know you want to. I know you don’t want to be like all those people I meet who just talk about writing a book and never do anything about it.
Has corporate publishing changed the meaning of the term author to include all those who help get a book published? What about audiobooks? AI?
A gude to the essential functional elements of a website built to serve the goals of both fiction and nonfiction authors.
Porsché Mystique Steele joins Yvonne DiVita on Smart Conversations to share her journey from editor to Mystique Rose Publishing, an Indie publishing company that values […]
Your foreword is an important part of your nonfiction book project. Give it the attention it deserves.
Two emails arrived in the past week or so that, in combination, have me rethinking my conviction that indie authors have no realistic choice about […]
Writing more than one book can be the difference between real success and minor success. Here’s why writing a series of books is the best way forward for business authors.
To start with, your audience must be me, or someone like me, or whomever you choose to speak to, as you write. One person or avatar you have identified as the right person for your book. You need to understand her or him, and you must create a profile describing this person.
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