Weighing the investment in your book: Indie, Hybrid, or Traditional Publishing
This edition of Tips from Tom’s inbox flows from the questions we get all the time in emails, calls, and in-person, in two basic flavors: […]
This edition of Tips from Tom’s inbox flows from the questions we get all the time in emails, calls, and in-person, in two basic flavors: […]
The experts I talk to, and follow on LinkedIn, tell me this – it’s about what you can do for someone else, and not what you’ve accomplished in your life. Yes, there’s a place to validate your expertise (I would say it’s in your posts, but that’s a given, isn’t it? Isn’t it? 👀) . But put that after showcasing what you can do to solve a problem I have.
In this edition of Marginalia, we’ll be digging into some of the lessons – and mysteries – from our earliest ancestors as they developed the ability to tell stories. And consider how that evolution may guide us in telling our own stories about ourselves and our businesses.
You’re intent. Focused. You know what you need to do. You have your schedule for the day and you’re close to completing your top 3 tasks… all of which involve writing, writing, writing; or, shall we say, creating, creating, creating.
Dorothy Wisnewski is a copywriter who approaches her craft a little differently than many others. In our call, we started with the concept that authors are a brand. They also have a brand.
[A version of this post first appeared in our weekly newsletter, which of course you should sign up for.] I called this entry “manufactured marginalia” […]
20 Great Ideas for Writing Your Book This Year to Beat Out Your Competition
No matter your genre, writing your book will be easier – and your book will be better – if you take the time to find your throughline.
In this conversation, Tony reveals there are two groups of people in the career world: those who go through the motion of getting a job done, day after day, and those who are actually enthusiastic about their work. The second group will take control of their lives and learn how to make their work (and life) exactly what they want it to be.
The marketing insight Penny shares is more valuable than anything else you’re doing right now. Turn of your phone and forget social media for a bit. Watch and listen to this book marketing expert.
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