5 Secrets to Writing a Best Seller
Everyone is intent on becoming a best-selling author, these days. The prime best-selling status most writers are after is the recognition on Amazon that your […]
Everyone is intent on becoming a best-selling author, these days. The prime best-selling status most writers are after is the recognition on Amazon that your […]
Anyone who knows me knows I highlight passages in books to return to, at later times. In this book, the first thing I highlighted in yellow was in the Introduction: “Think of this book as a toolkit.”
For those of us who want to do better, be better communicators, this toolkit is invaluable. Let’s unpack it.
In this new installment of Smart Conversations, I talk with Melanie Notkin about her book, OTHERHOOD: Modern Women Finding a New Kind of Happiness and how the experience of being […]
We served our authors as editors, guides, teachers, book designers, publishers, and to a small degree, marketers. At the time, we encouraged and taught them to blog. Back in the early 2000s, blogging was a successful way to get noticed. Much as podcasts are today. And we did other things to help them get noticed. The hard work, of course, was always at their end. That’s just how it is. As the author, the work of marketing and selling is up to you – no matter who publishes your book.
Saving local bookstores from Amazon? I’ll start with the message from Bookshop.org that came in a few days ago, summarizing what this new player in […]
Indeed. How long should your book be? Should it be 100 pages? 200 pages? 300 pages? More? The easy answer is – it should be […]
Until recently, if you wanted to publish your book in hardcover on KDP, that was not an option. That’s all changed, since the beta release of the KDP hardcover option. Here’s how it works and how to make it easy on yourself.
“I was so excited to hold my book in my hand,” a friend of mine told me. “It’s just marvelous to have it here, done, and ready to be shared with the world. I can’t even believe how heavy it is!” The awe in her voice was shining in her eyes, and I couldn’t help but share in it.
Ciaran has produced a masterpiece of fiction that is full fof act, insight, story, education, and illumination. For instance, what does adoption look like in the US, compared to … oh, say, Switzerland, where there are no shelters or strays. Where you have to take a 4-hour course before getting a dog. Where… well, watch the video and learn more about the differences between them and us and… why WE, as a country, as a dog loving community, as a society, can finally win the war on puppy mills.
There I was, this frightened and fearful teenage, sitting at my dining room table with pencil and paper, pouring her soul into stories with happy endings, where the heroine always got rescued, knowing there was no rescue for me, in my home. But the very act of writing gave me the courage and determination to get through an other day, and another day, until … I didn’t quite know what the ‘until’ was, but I knew there had to be something. Something else.
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