Throughline: The “Wiring Diagram” for Building Your Book
No matter your genre, writing your book will be easier – and your book will be better – if you take the time to find your throughline.
No matter your genre, writing your book will be easier – and your book will be better – if you take the time to find your throughline.
In this conversation, Tony reveals there are two groups of people in the career world: those who go through the motion of getting a job done, day after day, and those who are actually enthusiastic about their work. The second group will take control of their lives and learn how to make their work (and life) exactly what they want it to be.
The marketing insight Penny shares is more valuable than anything else you’re doing right now. Turn of your phone and forget social media for a bit. Watch and listen to this book marketing expert.
Don’t rest on your Amazon Bestseller laurels. Marketing you book never ends and it’s on you! Here’s how:
A former high school math teacher turned tech-preneur. Her insight into teaching comes honestly, from her mother who was a math teacher also.
Parchelle is also an education design architect and video producer with a Master’s in Curriculum & Instruction from Virginia Tech. Her journey to working with authors on their book content is an interesting one – watch and learn.
Everyone is intent on becoming a best-selling author, these days. The prime best-selling status most writers are after is the recognition on Amazon that your […]
Anyone who knows me knows I highlight passages in books to return to, at later times. In this book, the first thing I highlighted in yellow was in the Introduction: “Think of this book as a toolkit.”
For those of us who want to do better, be better communicators, this toolkit is invaluable. Let’s unpack it.
In this new installment of Smart Conversations, I talk with Melanie Notkin about her book, OTHERHOOD: Modern Women Finding a New Kind of Happiness and how the experience of being […]
We served our authors as editors, guides, teachers, book designers, publishers, and to a small degree, marketers. At the time, we encouraged and taught them to blog. Back in the early 2000s, blogging was a successful way to get noticed. Much as podcasts are today. And we did other things to help them get noticed. The hard work, of course, was always at their end. That’s just how it is. As the author, the work of marketing and selling is up to you – no matter who publishes your book.
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