Should My Post Be This Long or That Long?
Indeed. How long should your book be? Should it be 100 pages? 200 pages? 300 pages? More? The easy answer is – it should be […]
Indeed. How long should your book be? Should it be 100 pages? 200 pages? 300 pages? More? The easy answer is – it should be […]
He was a guest on Smart Conversations because he’s a friend, was once a colleague, and because he has such a wealth of stories to tell about life, business, and the adventure of being in the pet space.
It’s not that these people want to give up their pets, it’s that they don’t see a way out. Tom is working to change that. One way he does this is by working with food pantries to donate some of the extra food he receives in donations, to them.
Over time, she learned she could create poetry out of the stories people told her. I am so fascinated by that because I feel that all of life is poetry. If we just stop to listen, we would hear the sounds of poetry all around us. We would see the colors of poetry drifting in the breeze. For Lisa, it helped her create a world of confidence, empowerment, and reward. That sense of giving back, whenever she could deliver a poem to a person, created from their story. It gives me chills! It’s exactly what story is all about.
Lucy believes we spend too much time ‘intellectualizing’ – and isn’t that the truth? I know I spend a good bit of time justifying my behavior and the behavior of others by thinking it through, rather than allowing my ‘intuition’ or my ‘heart’ dictate how I should feel about a situation.
Until recently, if you wanted to publish your book in hardcover on KDP, that was not an option. That’s all changed, since the beta release of the KDP hardcover option. Here’s how it works and how to make it easy on yourself.
Deb’s backstory of how she got started goes all the way back to when she was a toddler and loved performing for her mom and other family members. We all have those memories, don’t we? It’s good to share them on your website and in your blog because it can easily bring you closer to your core audience – people who will be touched by that story of you as a child, and will relate to it because they, too, have those memories.
In a world of divisiveness, baking bread, making cakes, eating with other people, can calm nerves and change moods. Breaking bread with people brings us together as a group, doing something each person in the group likes to do – eat.
“I was so excited to hold my book in my hand,” a friend of mine told me. “It’s just marvelous to have it here, done, and ready to be shared with the world. I can’t even believe how heavy it is!” The awe in her voice was shining in her eyes, and I couldn’t help but share in it.
Ciaran has produced a masterpiece of fiction that is full fof act, insight, story, education, and illumination. For instance, what does adoption look like in the US, compared to … oh, say, Switzerland, where there are no shelters or strays. Where you have to take a 4-hour course before getting a dog. Where… well, watch the video and learn more about the differences between them and us and… why WE, as a country, as a dog loving community, as a society, can finally win the war on puppy mills.
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