A bookstore table covered with books, with one book upright on a display easel. In the background is another book table.

The Entrepreneur’s Book Publishing Guide:
Separating Fact from Fantasy

Tuesday, July 16, 2024
1 p.m. ET

Are you an entrepreneur with a wealth of knowledge and experience to share? Are you thinking about writing a book, but you’re stuck in a rut because it seems “so daunting?”

What if you could get out of that rut? Imagine this: YOU harnessing your expertise to create a powerful book that not only establishes you as a thought leader but also opens new doors for your business. Yes, we’re talking to YOU!

Join Porsché Steele and Yvonne DiVita for "The Entrepreneur’s Book Publishing Guide: Separating Fact from Fantasy" and discover how writing a book can revolutionize your entrepreneurial journey and put you ahead of your competitors by becoming “the author of” a book this year!

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What's in it for you?

A brain icon, representing thought leadership

Establish thought leadership

A book is a powerful and proven way to share your unique insights, experiences, and strategies, setting you apart from the competition.

A globe icon with nodes, indicating expanding your reach

Expand your reach

A book can reach a global audience, expanding your brand's visibility far beyond your immediate network. This can lead to new opportunities, including speaking engagements, media interviews, and partnerships.

An icon of a shield with a thumbs-up and a checkmark, symbolizing credibility.

Enhance your credibility

A well-written book is proof that your expertise and commitment to your field are worth hearing about. It can also boost your credibility with clients, partners, and peers, making you a sought-after professional for speaking and presenting.

A bar chart with lines getting progressively longer, with a dollar sign inside a circle, indicating incraeasing revenue

Generate more revenue

A book is one of the best ways to create multiple revenue streams – use it to create workshops, consulting services, and online courses. A book is a platform for so many other opportunities.

An icon of a person reading a book, symbolizing leaving a lasting legacy

Build a lasting legacy

A book is a chance to share your legacy and inspire future entrepreneurs. Books stand the test of time. Your words and knowledge will continue to be shared for years to come, if you write a book now.

Live Q&A session!

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Here are some of the topics we'll be discussing:

📖 How to get your book in bookstores
📖 How to get a return on your investment right away
📖 How to crack the Amazon bestseller code
📖 How to use your book to get on the TEDx stage
📖 How to avoid getting scammed

Bring your questions and get real-time answers from our experts. Learn from others' experiences and gain practical advice tailored to your needs.

Don’t miss this opportunity to unlock your potential and take your entrepreneurial journey to the next level. Join us and discover how writing a book can transform your business and increase your impact. Register now for "The Entrepreneur’s Book Publishing Guide: Separating Fact from Fantasy" and turn your publishing dreams into achievable goals!

Meet your presenters

Porsché Mysticque Steele

Porsche Mysticque Steele

Porsché is an award-winning book coach, TEDx speaker, author, and CEO of MysticqueRose Publishing Services.

As one of the youngest black female self-publishing experts, she helps high-performing CEOs combine their story and wisdom to publish highly impactful books that generate income, influence, and expands their thought leadership. When she’s not publishing books, she tutors middle and high school students on creative and essay writing.

She has been featured in multiple publications, including Business Insider, NY Weekly, US Reporter, and more.

Yvonne DiVita

Yvonne DiVita

Yvonne lives in a cave where she hovers over a desk with pen and paper, writing furiously every day. Or maybe that’s a house and a keyboard and writing with great concentration and passion. When she’s not writing, she’s reading. From 9 – 5 daily, you’ll find her working with smart, talented writers, coaching them, and advising them on their next powerful book. Or she’s playing with her cat, Mouse.

Yvonne takes the business of writing a book seriously. She is a sought-after podcast guest, a Top Writing Voice on LinkedIn, and was included in LinkedIn’s 100 Women to Watch 2022. In 2015, during her BlogPaws years, she was honored with the title of Woman of the Year in the Pet Industry Network. Today, she brings 20 years of study and experience in the fields of writing and publishing, both indie and traditional publishing.

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